Two Vital Ingredients for Clear Communications
Communication, in its truest sense, to be effective must be clear where both the transmitter and the receiver become aligned on the same perspective. While this may seem simple it, however, is a more difficult goal than what may be expected. The major “job requirement” of a preacher is clear communication–indeed, for the gospel to “prosper” in those to whom it is sent depends on the communication skills of the preacher. While we are not speaking solely about proper diction rather we emphasize prophetic decorum. “Make it plain preacher” requires ingredients that are manifold but two of the vital foundations are:
Maintaing balance
Trains, well more so, their tracks have always fascinated me. How an engine weighing tons and sometimes pulling tons and tons of cars behind it can travel on two parallel strips of very smooth steel is fascinating.
The train travels on a “gauge” – a 4-foot, eight-and-a-half inch width – which is the standard in the U.S. at least for most of its history. But what keeps the train traveling on its predetermined route is the inner lip on the train’s drive wheels that presses equally to both sides of the two rails. And as long as that balance remains the train stays “on track.”
Balance between two extremes is what keeps the train true even in curves and hills and descents…
So it is with preaching and the work of the gospel…. if one rails looses “gauge” there is shipwreck (or train wreck) … doesn’t matter which side looses gauge….. the result is the same. Wreck. Going left or right in safety, for the train, is when both rails maintain the gauge.
Balance is the first rule — and the second and the third.
Every situation we face can be presented from the extremes…. but keeping the Biblical “gauge” in all things is not only good but imperative!
Seeing the whole picture.
The difference between a periscope and a picture window is an obvious one… the periscope is a “one-man” view while the picture window is a “group-view” experience. The one-man view is only different, however, from the group-view in that the periscope view is one man “at a time” while the picture window view is a multiple of “one-man” views all at the same time.
Even though the picture window may have several ogling viewers at once it still remains a lot of one-man views simultaneously — each one seeing from a perspective all their own. Police know well the incongruity that exists in eye witnesses – each witness, many times, relates the memory of the scene that often contradicts with other eye witnesses.
Trying to get everyone to see the same exact thing at the same exact time is much easier said than done. Why? because how we relate to things is always filtered, flavored and produced by the person’s person. It is a wonder at all that we can communicate as well as we do… but the more emotional the subject the more difficult it is to communicate it… that is why math is much easier taught to others than manners is taught.
“Trying to see another’s viewpoint” is an art that requires a disconnect inwardly and a connection outwardly. Sometimes the uninvolved party is not always available in a disagreement between vying parties and this absence of input is the missing ingredient to an agreement. The reason, again, is obvious — the periscope viewers see from an individual perspective and THINKS his opponent must see the same thing at the same time… bad mistake.
This is where prayer and spiritual guidance is invaluable…. because it allows us to slip into a “God’s eye view” of at least some of the elements of the situation or disagreement.
— jlg —