Walk In The Spirit

Galatians 5:16 (LITV) “But I say, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” What a powerful statement! For those followers of our Lord Jesus who truly desire to live victoriously; Paul has in few words declared a strong truth which if lived-out will produce overcoming Victory!! In His […]

The Elusive Why

It’s not the “how” that most of the time troubles us, no, it is the “why” that often troubles and even, at times, torments us. Some people, who are usually devoid of spiritual things, attempt to answer life’s difficulties by saying that the reason that bad things happen to good people can be explained by […]

Days of Crisis

Days of Crisis There are three kinds of crisis. 1. Moments and times of personal stress brought about by things focused on our personal lives. 2. Dynamic circumstances that impact groups of people, and even the whole world, making a different and more dangerous today, compared to the recent past. 3. The “Existential Crisis” – […]

The Jews Saw a Trinity?

Trinitarians will tell you that the Jews had a fairly well developed concept of the trinity. This is religious insanity. On the day of Pentecost the Jews looked upon Him whom they had pierced and recalled that God, through Zechariah, had said “Me”. It’s the Greeks who had to explain it and went to great […]

It’s Time to Repaint the Barn…

One of the failures of the present day news media is that it thrives only on current and spectacular events which have a very short shelf life—today’s emphasis is tomorrow’s amnesia. The fallacy of momentary attention is that it breeds lack of residual importance. In other words, the out-of-focus issue loses it vitalness in the […]