A Firm Foundation vs A Faulty Spire

Salisbury Cathedral is unique in Britain. The Cathedral was begun in 1220, and finished, with the exception of the tower and spire, in 1258. Ah, that spire, generations of artists with paintbrush or camera have attempted to capture its beauty rising above the water meadows of the River Avon. At 404 feet, it is the […]

The More About Perfection We Grasp – The More About Imperfection We Fail To Grasp

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined. Psalms 50:2 There existed a time in the history of mankind when the amount of darkness that could be lighted by the flame of candle light would have been understood as the ultimate amount and life revolved around that degree of enlightenment but with the […]

An Unconscious Conscious

1Ti 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” Far too many people have an unconscious conscience. Most people seem to think that their conscience […]

Gospel Scammers…. they promise much…. but provide less…..

I’ve been both fascinated and frustrated about something for several years now. Have you noticed how companies are shrinking the size of their products while keeping the packaging the same? The result is less product while the price stays the same or goes up. Marketing experts argue that consumers are more sensitive to price changes […]

Division Is Only A Temporary Condition

I Cor. Chapter 5. Division cannot be thought of as a permanent condition, at least, not in the affairs of man. Division is only a temporary condition. It will not always allow the scales to remain at balance. Division is temporary because either one element of the division will be purged or the other element […]

An Inauspicious Entry and an Inhuman Exit for a King

Many preachers romanticize the birth of Jesus Christ beyond reality. They erect and present nativity scenes which have a way of making the birth of Jesus Christ more fairy tale than fairly told. What Jesus Christ, as God manifest in the flesh, endured at Bethlehem’s manger was to enter a world of harsh realities—a common, […]