THE KNEE-JERK REACTIONS PHENOMENA Recently I was in a discussion with an individual with a strong Calvinistic mindset who was adamant about individual predestination. It still amazes me that anyone could espouse such a foolish and erroneous doctrine especially anyone with even a hint of the truth of the Apostolic faith. However it is, I […]

Prearranged vs Predestination

Prearranged vs Predestination Many times people confuse the “natural savior” with the True “Spirit Savior.” Like the old joke about the man that slipped on the roof of the 6 story building he was roofing and while sliding down the roof slant and to his certain doom, cried out in desperation, “God please save me!” […]

In Defense of "Young Preachers"

In Defense of “Young Preachers” One only has to read the account of Job and his “comforters” to understand the tongue of the young…….. Notice which of the 3 comforters speaks the most ….. “And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I […]

Come Out From Among Them

Come Out From Among Them (from Word Studies for Apostolics) He called us out of darkness into His marvelous Light! The Greek word “aion” = our English word, “eon.” The Greek word “kosmos” = our English word “cosmos.” “Eon” means; a long period of time. (or for Biblical purposes; “the time or age of a […]

Idealism at War – The Battle for the Mind

Idealism at War – The Battle for the Mind When conquests of wars are predicated on advancement of ideas rather than on acquiring of territories or natural resources the scope and sensibilities of such conquests tend to go off scale. The “front lines” in such wars are never clear or easily defined. Nazi Germany certainly possessed […]