The Semantic Slide To Schizophrenia

I was raised with the concept that words means things. As a preacher I am convinced that propagation of the gospel demands proper wording else it resides not in the highland of the clear and concise but flounders and sinks in the murky sea of fog and confusion. Habakkuk 2:2 reminds us that clarity of […]

It’s Not The Thing That’s The Thing

Regardless of would be firearms barn burners that screech, howl and pound public podiums railing against the private citizenry’s right to bear arms, the fact will always remain, even if it is a bitter pill to swallow for some, that the gun is not the thing that is the thing. The pistol has no innate […]

It's Time To Re-Think What We Re-Thought

It’s Time To Re-Think What We Re-Thought Have you noticed that among some circles re-evaluation seems to be the rage of the hour. It’s contagion has spread under many hapless oneness church thresholds and started a plague of worldliness and ungodliness like no other generation. Deep in the nature of every human being is the […]


THE PARABLE OF THE WHEAT & TARES To me there are several parts of the wheat & tares parable that give me pause from accepting the common interpretation that the parable is addressing the good and bad IN the church. First, there is the fact that the Lord Himself clearly explains the parable, notably telling […]

When is a question not a question?

“When is a question not a question?…. When it’s a statement.” When one deals with questions that are not really questions I always recall Pilate. Pilate showed his true colors with his final response to Jesus. When Jesus affirmed that His mission was to testify to the truth and that everyone on the side of […]

From Devotion to Diary to Decor

From Devotion to Diary to Decor Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Rev 2:4 Ephesus receives a stern rebuke and warning, first was the rebuke; “Consider how far you have fallen!” Then the warning, “Repent and do the things you did at first or else….” “Consider how far […]

The Hatfield & McCoy Syndrome

The Hatfield & McCoy Syndrome In West Virginia-Kentucky backcountry along the Tug Fork River, lived two families (that turned into warring clans) in the late 1800’s. The first recorded instance of violence in the famous feuding, as legends go, occurred after a dispute about the ownership of a hog. It became, after much feuding over […]

Not The Wearing Of Gold

Not The Wearing Of Gold. By Verbal Bean Praise God! I have some copies of an Associated Press International article, covering the history of the ring, and it’s helpful in teaching why the Bible said, “Not The Wearing Of Gold” (1Peter 3:3). A ring’s entire history shows it is wrong. It started out wrong. The […]