Study To Shew Thyself Approved

I have come to a conclusion, after years of observing and inquiry of a plethora of preachers, that there are about as many different study and sermon preparation ways as there are preachers. But one thing is certain—preachers must be students—students of the Word, of people, events and life in general. To “study” is not […]

Holiness is an issue of the heart

Holiness is an issue of the heart. And the issues of life cometh out of the heart. That’s another way of saying that what is IN the heart is shown OUTWARDLY. Make no mistake about it — God requires both! Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are filled with instructions regarding outward things: […]

Fellowship is many faceted

Fellowship is many faceted. From what may first appear as a relatively simple concept comes a spin-off of complexity. Like a river in reverse flow, rather than many tributaries flowing into a main artery, it is a current flowing into many tributaries. The Spirit flowing in the main artery of our lives (the heart) dictates […]

Define Grace.

This demand reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s “The Elephant and The Blind Men” illustration where several blind men use their sense of touch to describe an elephant. One of the blind men, standing next to the elephant’s leg, describes the elephant much like a tree trunk while another, standing near the trunk, describes the elephant […]