A Return To The Altar 1 Kings 18:30 I. Ahab the king of Israel meets Elijah with these words: Art thou he that troubeleth Israel? Trouble= stir up, disturb To agitate; 2. To afflict with pain or discomfort. 3. To cause mental agitation or distress The devil fears divine trouble makers! Most people are satisfied […]
Category: Uncategorized
The Root & Branches of Bitterness
The Root & Branches of Bitterness Hebrews 12:12-15 Wherefore lift up the hands which HANG DOWN, and the feeble knees; And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lamed be turned out of the way; BUT RATHER LET IT BE HEALED. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man […]
A Perspective on Perspective
A Perspective on Perspective In West Virginia-Kentucky backcountry along the Tug Fork River, lived two families (that turned into warring clans) in the late 1800’s. The first recorded instance of violence in the famous feuding, as legends go, occurred after a dispute about the ownership of a hog. It became, after much feuding over this […]
The Tendency of Tangency
The Tendency of Tangency There is a bird, the cuckoo, who is a common in England and many other parts of the world (or so I have read). The first sign of spring is that bird’s call. The cuckoo never builds its own nest. When it feels an egg coming on, it finds another nest […]
Jesus Failed –To Acknowledge A Trinity
A quick look through the Gospels. Does it not seem logical that while Jesus was on earth he would have had many opportunities to reveal his “counterparts” in the Trinity (that is if God were a Trinity)? As one reads through the Gospels the question should be raised? If God is a Trinity then why […]
He Sat Down!
Leviticus 16:1-34 Aaron, the high priest, is charged with the awesome responsibility of going into the presence of God on the behalf of all the people. After washing his body and putting on the holy garments, Aaron is ready to begin. He first sacrifices a bull. Knowing that he himself is sinful, the high priest […]
God’S Offensive Gospel
And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.” (Galatians 5:11). If only Paul had continued to preach circumcision he could have avoided persecution and been freed from the inevitable offense which is created by the message of the Cross. It is […]
For The Want Of A Nail The Shoe Was Lost
Here is a recent news report… easy to find a Bible study here: EMERALD ISLE, N.C. – Nails deteriorated by years of exposure to the sand, salt and moisture from the ocean gave way, causing a deck collapse that hurt 24 people as they posed for a picture at a North Carolina beachfront home, authorities […]
The PC Principle
No, not the “Peter Principle” but rather the “PC Principle.” The “PC Principle,” though similar to the well known “Peter Principle,” the “PC Principle” operates in another arena from the business world of that of the “Peter Principle.” The Politically Correct principle is evident, as never before, in the social systems of America effecting all […]
What About The Sin Of Bathsheba ?
” WHAT ABOUT THE SIN OF BATHSHEBA ? ” ~~~> { an open letter to the Apostolic women ) <~~~ “And it came to pass in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; […]