The Gospel’s Unavoidable Effect….

The preaching of the Cross of Jesus Christ created a great divide between the world and the Church—two distinctly different systems, scales of value, standards of judgment, sets of laws, which stand contrasted on the two sides of the Cross. The system of each is not only quite different but irreconcilable and forever mutually antagonistic. […]

When Two Very Different Worlds Collide

Even though, geographically speaking, the world of human spectators and the world of animal spectacles were set in the same area, nevertheless, they were never meant to blend together. The spectators and the spectacles were always separated by some barrier that was meant to keep the two from co-mingling. This is how a zoo was […]

The Debacle Of Delusion

There are verses of Scripture which never fail to leap off of the Good Book’s pages and land squarely between my eyes—Proverbs 21:2 “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts” and Proverbs 16:2, “All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed […]

The Lawful vs The Expedient

Why is sexual immorality considered to be “sinning against one’s own body?” Mainly because the Bible declares it to be in I Cor 6. However, just exactly does that term signify? What sets this act apart from others? While the consumption of drugs or alcohol (and other various sins) “harms one’s body” then it becomes […]

Riding The Rails – Maintaining balance

Trains, well more so, their tracks have always fascinated me. How an engine weighing tons and sometimes pulling tons and tons of cars behind it can travel on two parallel strips of very smooth steel is fascinating. The train travels on a “gauge” – a 4-foot, eight-and-a-half inch width – which is the standard in […]