From Devotion to Diary to Decor

From Devotion to Diary to Decor Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Rev 2:4 Ephesus receives a stern rebuke and warning, first was the rebuke; “Consider how far you have fallen!” Then the warning, “Repent and do the things you did at first or else….” “Consider how far […]

The Hatfield & McCoy Syndrome

The Hatfield & McCoy Syndrome In West Virginia-Kentucky backcountry along the Tug Fork River, lived two families (that turned into warring clans) in the late 1800’s. The first recorded instance of violence in the famous feuding, as legends go, occurred after a dispute about the ownership of a hog. It became, after much feuding over […]

Not The Wearing Of Gold

Not The Wearing Of Gold. By Verbal Bean Praise God! I have some copies of an Associated Press International article, covering the history of the ring, and it’s helpful in teaching why the Bible said, “Not The Wearing Of Gold” (1Peter 3:3). A ring’s entire history shows it is wrong. It started out wrong. The […]

Revelation vs Discovery

God Gave it vs I Found it….. Revelation vs Discovery Discovery—a baby suddenly realizes that the waving object in front of his face …. Is a part of him! Revelation—a darkened area of the mind is suddenly flooded with light! Discovery—coming to know that which was previously unknown via the senses or through another’s explanation […]