Is this a Heaven or Hell Issue?

The following is for whoever may be troubled about all those mean old preachers who preach standards that aren’t named in black and white in the New Testament. We hear a lot of people these days asking if a certain thing is a “heaven or hell issue.” I think the very term smacks of bad […]

Justification and the Law

The faith of Abraham concerns justification.The Law of Moses concerns transgression. Law has never been the basis for justification. The model for New Testament justification is rooted in the Abrahamic model and not the Mosaic model. That was the whole point of “Paul’s Gospel to the Galatians.” -JDC- The law came to protect the relationship […]

Standards Are a Root, Not a Leaf

“Standards” are a prescribed order of action or conduct. In the biblical sense “holiness standards” are God’s prescribed order of conduct for His people. Standards prescribe what one wears externally, but its essence flows from what one wears internally as the “new man.” If one sees the word “standards” as being only outward guidelines of […]

The Fight Over The Origin Of Holiness Standards Or The Spiritual Monkey Trial

It was officially known as Scopes v. State, but history remembers it as The Scopes Monkey Trial. For two weeks in the summer of 1925, in a crowded courtroom in little Dayton, Tennessee, religion squared off against science, and two sides struggled for the right to influence the minds of America’s youth. In reality the […]