Define Grace.

This demand reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s “The Elephant and The Blind Men” illustration where several blind men use their sense of touch to describe an elephant. One of the blind men, standing next to the elephant’s leg, describes the elephant much like a tree trunk while another, standing near the trunk, describes the elephant […]

Seared Instead of Sacred!

1Ti 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” Far too many people have an unconscious conscience. Most people seem to think that their conscience […]

Laodicea Had A Warning

Tucked away, and almost overlooked in the book of Colossians, are four verses that reference the church of Laodicea. When most folks hear that church mentioned they immediately think of the admonition given to them in the book of Revelation. In fact, the church of Laodicea is mentioned more in Colossians than in Revelation. It […]

A Firm Foundation vs A Faulty Spire

Salisbury Cathedral is unique in Britain. The Cathedral was begun in 1220, and finished, with the exception of the tower and spire, in 1258. Ah, that spire, generations of artists with paintbrush or camera have attempted to capture its beauty rising above the water meadows of the River Avon. At 404 feet, it is the […]

Anointing is Not Always a Divine Anointing

I have, through time in the ministry, witnessed some unmistakable manifestations of Satan. I have seen people wither on the floor like snakes and small individuals throw several large men around like rag dolls among other various exhibitions. These people manifested strength and abilities not their own but were clearly the workings of the enemy. No doubt, […]

Study To Shew Thyself Approved

I have come to a conclusion, after years of observing and inquiry of a plethora of preachers, that there are about as many different study and sermon preparation ways as there are preachers. But one thing is certain—preachers must be students—students of the Word, of people, events and life in general. To “study” is not […]