Nature's Weakening Voice

Nature’s Weakening Voice… NATURE HAS GONE PEAR SHAPED “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” 1 Cor 11:14 The British idiom “gone pear shaped” meaning things have either gone wrong or produced an unexpected and unwanted result, I think, may well fit […]

The Generation Of The ‘Saved’ Backslider

The Generation Of The ‘Saved’ Backslider Saved backsliders? Yes, although it sounds like an oxymoron, it is a sad commonplace in Pentecostal ranks today. Old fashioned type backsliders that say, “I’m not in church, keep praying for me” are getting harder and harder to find. Remember the day when you knew someone was backslidden and […]

Trinitarianism: Modified Tritheism

From this article by Jason Dulle People often confuse the “plain” statements of Scripture with a particular theology that has been developed from those statements. While each theological system is derived from and supported by references to various Scriptures, it does not mean that the theological system developed from those Scriptures is the teaching of the same. […]

Bible Collection or Dissection?

Bible Collection or Dissection? I have always loved word meanings—because words mean things—whether it be just the etymological tracing of words of the English language or of the Greek and Hebrew. It has always been hard for me to pass up a book with an alluring title that has something to do with word meanings. […]

The Parable Of The Wheat & Tares

THE PARABLE OF THE WHEAT & TARES To me there are several parts of the wheat & tares parable that give me pause from accepting the common interpretation that the parable is addressing the good and bad IN the church. First, there is the fact that the Lord Himself clearly explains the parable, notably telling […]

Rebuked For My Backwardness

Rebuked For My Backwardness I was rebuked . . .divinely rebuked! Some years ago, I was thumbing frantically through the pages of my study Bible in search of a text. I had earlier experienced something that had formulated into a good “thought” (as we tend to call such experiences) and it was building and fleshing […]

Acts 2:38 – Babel in Reverse

Acts 2:38 – Babel in Reverse The building of the tower of Babel is also a story of gross stupidity brought about by pride. The tower builders found a great plain where they could live called Shinar, and decided to build a tower there. They believed they could build a tower that would reach to […]