Maintaining Apostolic balance is always a difficult job. Our preaching and teaching should strive to do just that in every area in order to furnish the saints to do the will of God in these last days.
Formalism verses Emotionalism are two ditches that neither produce the worship nor order of service patterned in the 1st century church. Services can be Spirit led where absolute freedom is given to worship and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and still things be done decently and in order.
The indictment was not against having a form of godliness but having that and denying the power thereof.
Churches built solely on emotionalism and sensationalism will be all sails and no anchors.
So having a church that loves the teaching of the Word of God and is open to the demonstration of the Spirit is the balance needed to have true NT church.
Evangelism and teaching Biblical doctrine to perfect the saints should never be seen as either or but reaching the unsaved while keeping the saved saved is the mission of the church. Revival and Survival are not enemies but twins in a true Apostolic church.
Dipping the unrepentant for the sake of numbers not only damns the person being dipped but discourages the church itself. However going long seasons not seeing folks baptized and receiving the Spirit is very unhealthy.
Repentance preaching must not be sacrificed on the altar of number gathering. However we should all rejoice at every person that is born again and nothing wrong with shouting it from the house tops.
Holiness preaching and evangelism are not opposites. New converts that don’t hear holiness preaching are like babies born in a leper colony their survival is not likely.
In my final thoughts we as Apostolics in the end time can have it all. Evangelism and Bible teaching. Bible order and the demonstration of the Spirit. Holiness preaching and true revival. Let’s do it!