There is debate on who the Great Whore the Mother of Harlots is? She is called Mystery, Babylon the Great.
This the Roman Catholic Church.
She is built on seven mountains.
Her colors are purple and scarlet.
She has the golden cup in her hand.
She has reigned over kingdoms.
She shed the blood of martyrs.
From her came the Reformation thus daughters.
The nations are drunk on her wine. Doctrine and practices.
She is a great city.
John really gives a clue in verse 10.
There are seven kings:
Media Persia
The 5 fallen:
One is. Pagan Rome.
One is to come. Papal Rome
Then the 8th. Revived Rome under which all religions will operate under her covering. Seven women taking hold of one man.
The Man of Sin will reign over that conglomeration of both civil and religious government. The scripture declares the whole world will wonder after the beast.
Most of the religious practices of Catholicism finds it’s roots in Ancient Babylon. Nimrod yet building a tower into heaven. Instead of stone and mortar it is teachings and practices.
Since God is going to judge her and Heaven itself will rejoice over her judgment I don’t want to be identified with any of her doctrines nor practices.
So when the church world practices things not found in scripture but have their roots in Rome Catholicism which Christianized pagan customs to appease the pagans they conquered I just would rather not be identified with Rome nor any of her practices.
When God says ‘Come out of her MY people.’ I think He means it.
I’d rather identify with the Apostles and their teachings and practices than Rome and it’s teachings and practices.
Why abhor her teachings and then love her practices?
I’m not eating the meat nor drinking the broth.
In my heart I think God is pleased to reject Rome and hold to Jerusalem!
Jerusalem not Rome is the Mother of the Free.